
Ph值.D. 是一个整合了数字人文学科的创新项目, 写作研究, 文学, 修辞, 话语, 以及文化研究, offering opportunities for creative reinterpretation of these fields within the discipline of 英语. Students may pursue full- or part-time study through a combination of on-campus and distance learning courses. 该课程为学生的学术生涯做准备, 以及其他在阅读方面的职业, 写作, and critical inquiry figure prominently; the program also helps students professionalize within their current careers.


  • There are three main concentrations: 1) Literary and Cultural Studies; 2) Rhetoric, 写作, and Discourse Studies; and 3) 技术 and Media Studies. Students whose interests and scholarship recommend it may work with an advisor to assemble a 4) Student-created concentration that must be approved by the graduate program director.

  • Distance/在线 学习: Each year the 英语 PhD program recruits and admits candidates who will take the program part-time and at a distance (mostly through WebEx). Students at a distance are required to meet the same admissions standards and have the same course requirements and program expectations as on-campus students. Students at a distance are expected to obtain the requisite software necessary to engage in synchronous video classes, 访问黑板, 在电子手段允许的情况下,充分参与课堂生活. 远处的学生应该去参观 网上学生辅导网站.

  • 动态:它强调了英语的跨学科性. Students are invited to study the teaching of 写作 in view of technological and textual innovations; to examine cultural spaces as 修辞al ecologies; to consider literary archives as cultural effects; and more.

  • The Summer Doctoral Institute allows distance students to complete the program at the same pace as full-time students who attend on campus. It features a two-week on-campus residency that has students working intensively with one another and with faculty they customarily see on screens.

  • The 研究 Competency Requirement allows students to creatively establish their research methods by allowing foreign languages, 统计分析, 和技术专长来完成它.



看看这些想法来自 ODU职业发展服务职业信息网(O*NET). A median salary is a midpoint of what people typically earn—half of those surveyed earned above the median salary, 一半的收入低于.


$77,660 工资中位数

Teach courses in 英语 language and 文学, including linguistics and comparative 文学. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.


$74,440 工资中位数

编写技术资料, 如设备手册, 附录, 或操作和维护说明书. 可以协助布置工作.


$72,120 工资中位数

Originate and prepare written material, such as scripts, stories, advertisements, and other material.


$67,990 工资中位数

Engage in promoting or creating an intended public image for individuals, groups, or organizations. 可以编写或选择材料发布到各种传播媒体.


Students entering the 哲学博士 program in 英语 should meet the minimum university admission requirements 研究生入学.
  • A completed master's degree (or its equivalent) in 英语 or in an appropriate field from a regionally accredited institution of higher education

  • 平均成绩不低于3分.5 .在a上.(0分)硕士学位的总体成绩

  • 托福成绩(如适用)

  • A 1500 word statement of the applicant's academic and professional goals and discussion of how the Ph.D. 学好英语将有助于实现这些目标

  • Three letters of reference from sources capable of commenting on the applicant's readiness for advanced graduate study in 英语

  • A 写作 sample of at least 15 double-spaced pages on on a topic related to the applicant's expertise


2023-24学年的估计费用. 价格可能会有变动. 任何目前不是弗吉尼亚州居民的人都将被收取非居民费率. 包括国际学生.

成本每个点数 $599
成本每个点数 $623
成本每个点数 $1,439


这里有一些方法可以让你节省参加ODU的费用. 欲了解更多信息,请访问大学学生财政援助


Our online program allows students to pace their progress through the degree in an affordable fashion while losing little time as they advance toward completion. 在线课程的每学分费用与州内学费相当. 所有在校学生都享有五年的助学金支持. Their work includes editorial assistant of a peer-reviewed journal and MediaCommons; administrative work supporting the directors of the 写作 Program 和 写作中心; coordinating the use of the MPark, our department’s learning lab and maker space; research and teaching in upper-division 写作 and 文学 courses; and teaching in our general education program.