
I am pleased to announce the selection of 布兰迪·赫夫纳·拉班克,艾德.D. to serve as bet8体育娱乐入口’s Vice 总统 for 学生参与 and Enrollment 服务s. Following a national search with the engagement and expertise of Greenwood/Asher & 同事,博士. Hephner LaBanc will officially join the Monarch family on June 10, 2023, 在担任马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校负责学生事务和校园生活的副校长以及密西西比大学负责学生事务的副校长十多年来,她一直表现出强有力的领导能力和模范服务, both flagship 研究 1 institutions with more than 31,000名学生和22名,000名学生.

Vice 总统 Hephner LaBanc will serve as a member of the University’s senior leadership team and will be responsible for the critical areas of 入学s; 职业发展服务; Center for Major Exploration/Mane Connect Success Coaching; 社会流动中心; 咨询 服务s; Dean of Students Office; 教育的可访问性; 金融援助; 住房 and Residence Life; Intercultural Relations; 军事联络中心; 学生参与 and 传统; 娱乐 and 健康; Registrar; Student Conduct and Academic Integrity; Student 健康 服务s; Student Transition and Family 项目; and 女性 and 性别平等中心.

Dr. Hephner LaBanc will provide needed leadership and strategic focus to design, 实现, and monitor enrollment targets and recruitment objectives, 以及战术和战略, to advance and enhance the institution’s current efforts and overall impact. She will focus on student engagement and enrollment programmatic initiatives that support, 拥抱, and enhance the diversity and success of the student body, including robust plans and strategy to significantly improve student success measures, especially retention and graduation rates, 以及整体参与度.

Prior to joining bet8体育娱乐入口, Dr. Hephner LaBanc在多所院校忠实而成功地从事学生事务工作超过25年. 在她的职业生涯中, she has been focused on the wellbeing of all students, 这是她在奥莱密西西比大学的威廉·马吉中心和马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校的奥肯那根宪章的器乐工作中形成的. 此外, she has spearheaded inclusion work, thereby enhancing campus climate to serve all students equitably. She has also proudly led efforts to enhance campus responsiveness to student needs, specifically focusing on collaborative and systemic approaches to enhancements and solutions. 她的集体工作对个别学生产生了积极影响,包括集中精力提高参与度和成功率, 包括马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校的第一代和转学工作组,以及密西西比大学旨在显著提高留校率的战略合作.

Dr. Hephner LaBanc has received many accolades and awards throughout her career. In 2020, she was honored as a Pillar of the Profession by NASPA, a member-centered association supporting a diverse and passionate network of 15,000名专业人士和1名,全球有200家机构. 也, in 2020, she was honored by her alma mater and prior employer, 北伊利诺伊大学, as the inaugural Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) 校友 of the Year Award winner. She has also been acknowledged by another alma mater, 肯特州立大学, with an 校友 领导 Award from the College of Education, 健康, and Human 服务s and induction into the Hall of Fame. 也许, her most coveted awards are the ones that have been bestowed upon her by students, such as the Vicki Mahan Ally of the Year; 女性’s Empowerment Award; and Lift Every Voice Award, which were all received during her tenure at Ole Miss.

Additionally, as an active and engaged leader on each of the campuses she has served, Dr. Hephner LaBanc has been integral in the classroom. As a Professor of Higher Education at UMass Amherst, 她目前在高等教育部门担任附属教员,参与学院和项目教员会议和招聘活动, as well as involvement in student advising at the doctoral level. 在密西西比大学任职期间, 她曾担任副教授和高等教育教授,并担任硕士课程核心课程的常规教员. 她还参与了所有项目的录取决定,并领导了新生招募工作, while also advising thesis work and doctoral student research; engaging in program review and curriculum development; assessing learning outcomes; serving on search committees for fellow faculty members; and voting on faculty matters at the school level.

Provost and Vice 总统 for Academic Affairs Austin Agho, Ph.D., who served as the 搜索 Committee Chair, 说, "When the search process was launched, we were sharply focused on identifying well-qualified, 创新, dynamic candidates for the position of Vice 总统 for 学生参与 and Enrollment 服务s. 我们也在寻找在这两个广泛的职能领域具有丰富经验的专业人士, as well as significant scholarly activities and on-going professional development. 重要的是要确定一个具有所需的背景和招生计划和规划方面的直接经验的人, 在这个领域. Hephner LaBanc truly excelled during her tenure at Ole Miss. 她的选择, 我们已经完成了一项成功的搜索,这将为我们的校园社区带来深远而持久的利益, including current and future generations of Monarch students.”

Zaria Gassaway, 本科学生领袖,将于今年春季毕业,并计划于今年秋季重新注册为研究生, 说, “As 总统 of the Student Government Association, I was pleased to serve as a member of the 搜索 Committee, 完全推荐博士. Hephner LaBanc的校园参观. During the student body’s interaction with her, it was evident that she has a clear passion for students. In this important role as our next Vice 总统, I am confident that she will advocate for our needs and champion our success!”

Another member of the 搜索 Committee, Associate Professor Corrin Gillis, Ph.D., 他在交流障碍和特殊教育系任职同时也是教务委员会副主席, 她也表达了对李博士的强烈支持. Hephner LaBanc. “在搜索过程中, 我们致力于寻找能够平衡学生参与的复杂性的人, 以及注册服务. 我们需要这样的人,他既能把我们的学生作为个体来对待,也能从机构层面的数据来了解他们作为一个群体取得成功的障碍和促进因素. 基于Dr. Hephner LaBanc’s extensive background, as well as our overwhelmingly positive interactions with her, there is no question that she is the Monarch we were looking for.”

Associate Professor Dennis Gregory, Ed.D., 谁目前教老道明的高等教育和社区学院领导研究生课程,并曾担任学生事务专业, 说, “Dr. Hephner LaBanc brings an increased caliber of leadership to our institution. 她在一个需要深深的承诺和真正的激情的职业中有一个长期而成功的任期. 我期待着与她合作,因为我们将继续在参与和成功方面发展bet8体育娱乐入口!”

Upon her selection for the position, Dr. 赫夫纳·拉班克说, "During my recent visit to Old Dominion’s campus and the Hampton Roads region, I felt an immediate connection to the individuals that I met and the community as a whole. 作为第一代学生, 我真的对bet8体育娱乐入口近一个世纪以来提供的机会充满热情. It is a special place that 拥抱s diversity, fosters discovery, and pursues excellence. 能继续我作为君主的职业生涯和毕生的激情,我感到无比自豪和兴奋!”

A published author and engaged researcher in the areas of free speech, emergency preparedness and response, 预防枪支暴力, Dr. 赫夫纳·拉班克得了B.S. in Accounting from The University of Akron; an M.Ed. in Higher Education 政府 and College Student Personnel from 肯特州立大学; and an Ed.D. in Adult and Higher Education from 北伊利诺伊大学.

毫无疑问,博士. Hephner LaBanc在全国高等教育领域享有盛誉,并带来了大量的专业知识和经验, 还有激情和骄傲, 到bet8体育娱乐入口. As a proven administrator and accomplished scholar, 她在积极影响她所服务的校园和社区方面有着杰出而有影响力的记录. 从尖端的倡议和最先进的设施到沉浸式课程和扩展的服务, 她孜孜不倦的努力体现在坚定不移地致力于创造更多机会上, 提升整体影响, 拥抱积极的改变. Please join me in welcoming Vice 总统 Hephner LaBanc to Old Dominion!


Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D.