School of 口腔卫生


NORFOLK, 23529

Grew up in KY, graduated from UK undergrad and U of Louisville School of Dentistry. Joined US Navy Dental Corps and specialized in Periodontics (Board Certification). Retired in 2011 and joined the 口腔卫生 faculty in 2011.

in Periodontics Residency, Naval Dental School, (1992)

in Advanced Clinical Program in Periodontics, Naval Dental Clinic, (1988)

D.M.D. in Medical Dentistry, University of Louisville, (1981)

B.S. in Microbiology, University of Kentucky, (1977)

Certificate in Periodontics
Sponsoring 组织: American Board of Periodontology
获得的日期: 1992-06-12
Board Certification
Sponsoring 组织: American Board of Periodontology
获得的日期: 1995-07-07
Dental License Kentucky
Sponsoring 组织: Kentucky Board of Dentistry
获得的日期: 1981-05-01
Virginia Dental License
Sponsoring 组织: Virginia Department of 健康 Professions
获得的日期: 1986-04-28


Dentist and Periodontist


Periodontology, Dentistry, 口腔卫生


马洛里,我.,托尔,S. L. 梅尔文,W. (2013). How to Recognize the Signs of Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. Dimensions of 口腔卫生 11 (3) , pp. 50-53.
Bekelinski G.麦库姆斯,G. 梅尔文,W. (2013). Oil Pulling: An Ancient Practice for a Modern Time. . J口腔健康. 4(3): 1-10; 2012 4 (3) , pp. 1-10.
梅尔文,W.阿萨德,D.G、G、G.西蒙森,L. 约克,A. (1994). A Comparison of DNA Probe and ELISA microbial analysis methods and their association with Adult Periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology 65 , pp. 576-582.
梅尔文,W. L. (1991). The prevalence and sex ratio of juvenile periodontitis in a young racially mixed population. Journal of Periodontology 62 (1991) , pp. 4.


( 2011). Lectures for Local Anesthesia Course on Neurophysiology, Pharmacology and Medical Complications with Local Anesthetics .
( 2011). Periodontal Emergencies given to AEGD residents Branch Dental CLinic Sewell's Point, 弗吉尼亚州的诺福克.
( 2011). Provided 12 hours of lectures- Local Anesthesia for 口腔卫生 students ODU School of 口腔卫生 (DNTH 317).
( 2010). Lectures for Local Anesthesia Course on Neurophysiology, Pharmacology and Medical Complications with Local Anesthetics .
( 2010). Periodontal Emergencies given to AEGD residents Branch Dental Clinic Sewell's Point, 弗吉尼亚州的诺福克.
( 2009). Lectures for Local Anesthesia Course on Neurophysiology, Pharmacology and Medical Complications with Local Anesthetics .
( 2009). Periodontal Emergencies given to AEGD residents Branch Dental Clinic Sewell's Point, 弗吉尼亚州的诺福克.
( 2008). Lecture on Periodontall Emergencies given to AEGD residents Branch Dental Clinic Sewell's Point, 弗吉尼亚州的诺福克.
( 2007). Lecture on Periodontall Emergencies given to AEGD residents Branch Dental Clinic Sewell's Point, 弗吉尼亚州的诺福克.
( 2007). Lectures for Local Anesthesia Course on Neurophysiology, Pharmacology and Medical Complications with Local Anesthetic .
( 2006). Lecture on Periodontal Emergencies give to AEGD residents Branch Dental Clinic Sewell's Point, 弗吉尼亚州的诺福克.
( 2006). Lectures for Local Anesthesia Course on Neurophysiology, Pharmacology and Medical Complications with Local Anesthetic .
( 2005). Lecture on Periodontal Emergencies give to AEGD residents Branch Dental Clinic Sewell's Point, 弗吉尼亚州的诺福克.
( 2004). Periodontal Anatomy, Periodontal Emergencies, Perio/Endo Lesions, Periodontal Examination, Periodontal Initial Preparation, Periodontal Pathogenesis, and Periodontal Treatment Planning Naval Hospital, 朴茨茅斯弗吉尼亚州.
( 2003). Lecture on Periodontal Emergencies Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry, 弗吉尼亚州里士满.
( 2003). Lecture on Periodontal Treatment Planning Naval Hospital, 朴茨茅斯弗吉尼亚州.
( 2002). Periodontal Anatomy, Periodontal Emergencies, Perio/Endo Lesions, Periodontal Examination, Periodontal Initial Preparation, Periodontal Pathogenesis, and Periodontal Treatment Planning Naval Hospital, 朴茨茅斯弗吉尼亚州.
( 2001). Lecture on Principles of Periodontal Flap Design and Implant Maintenance Naval Hospital, 朴茨茅斯弗吉尼亚州.
( 2001). Periodontal Anatomy, Periodontal Emergencies, Perio/Endo Lesions, Periodontal Examination, Periodontal Initial Preparation, Periodontal Pathogenesis, and Periodontal Treatment Planning Naval Hospital, 朴茨茅斯弗吉尼亚州.
( 2000). Lecture on Principles of Periodontal Flap Design and Implant Maintenance Naval Hospital, 朴茨茅斯, VA.
( 2000). Periodontal Anatomy, Periodontal Emergencies, Perio/Endo Lesions, Periodontal Examination, Periodontal Initial Preparation, Periodontal Pathogenesis, and Periodontal Treatment Planning Naval Hospital, 朴茨茅斯, VA.
( 2000). Treatment of periodontal Emergencies Virginia Commonwealth University, 弗吉尼亚州里士满.
( 2000). Treatment of Periodontal Emergencies Naval Dental Center, 弗吉尼亚州的诺福克.
  • 2018: Promoted to 高级讲师, COHS
  • 2004: Fellow of the 国际 College of Dentists since 2004, 国际 College of Dentists