Linked BS/Master & BS/PhD Programs


  • 英格ineering students with GPA >= 3.0 can apply for the ECE, BME, or MSIM graduate program through a linked BS/MS or BS/PhD program
  • Students can take two graduate courses double counted for the BS degree and a graduate degree
  • For BS/Master programs, students need only 24 credit hours and can start working with a research advisor during their senior year
  • 没有必要 for a formal application such as reference letters, essay, and GRE scores


Download and complete the application form and the appropriate curriculum worksheet.

Email or give the completed application form, curriculum worksheet, BS transcripts, and a resume to Ms. Lori Barrett,

ECE and Cybersecurity D.英格. Graduate Program Director

Associate Professor Electrical & Computer 英格ineering

BME Graduate Program Director

Associate Professor Academic Affairs

Modeling and Simulation 英格ineering Graduate Program Director

Associate Professor Academic Affairs