标准评估 & 奖


As a result of recommendations provided through the 2010 Coalition Assessment Project, a Blue Ribbon Committee was formed comprised of students, 工作人员, 及前受奖人义工检讨及提供建议,以促进兄弟会的发展 & Sorority community at Old Dominion University.

蓝带委员会确定了所有公认的分会应努力超越的四个主要领域. 这些领域包括:

  • 奖学金 -该分会将发展和维护一个学术项目,以支持分会成员的教育努力,并为大学的学术使命做出贡献.
  • 社区 Relationships (Chapter, ODU, and National) -该分会将建立一个积极的社区,在各自的分会内培养兄弟姐妹情谊,促进兄弟会之间的合作 & 女生联谊会的生活 and Old Dominion University. 兄弟姐妹情谊的基础应建立在(1)组织价值观和(2)安全和健康的环境之上.
  • 领导力发展 - The chapter will foster an environment that encourages, 支持, and promotes leadership in its members.
  • Integration of Values and Purpose - The chapter will teach and uphold the values of their organization, 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活, and Old Dominion University. 分会将促进规划和/或倡议,以加强分会成员对其组织目标的承诺. The chapter will foster and promote environments that are consistent with their purpose. 分会成员将了解他们的组织价值观,并能够将这些理想与他们的日常活动联系起来.

标准评估过程提供了与上面列出的领域一致的章节的全面评估, the experiences offered to members, as well as the overall impact the chapter has within the community. 该过程的目的是确保各章节获得充分评估其影响所需的反馈. 利益相关者, specifically including chapter advisors, 校友成员, 要求国家/区域代表参与这一进程,因为他们在支持分会发展方面具有关键作用. 标准评估过程将纳入以下代表的反馈意见:

  • Chapter Executive Boards
  • National/Regional Representatives
  • 章顾问
  • Chapter Presidents/Council 领导
  • 校园管理员

联谊会 & 姐妹会生活希望为各分会提供参与全面评估过程的机会,以确保建设性的反馈,同时尊重内部政策和仪式的保密性. 鼓励各章节充分利用这一评估过程,但各章节可以自行决定提交哪些信息供审查.

Multiple methods will be utilized to evaluate chapter standards. The overall evaluation will be based on self-assessment, 利益相关者评价, peer panel presentation, and administrative review. 每组评价者将被指派在相关性的基础上评估一组特定的标准. Evaluators will rate the chapter on a scale of 1-8. Scores of 1- 2 will indicate a rating of "Establishing"; 3-4 will indicate a rating of "Progressing"; 5-6 will indicate a rating of "Accomplished"; 7-8 will indicate a rating of "Excellence."


  • 建立(1 - 2): 该章节可能有也可能没有有效组织管理所必需的基本基础. 本章需要在这方面投入大量的精力和精力来改进.
  • 进展(3 - 4): 本章具有有效组织管理所必需的基本结构,但本章在遵循所支持的标准方面表现出相当大的不一致性.
  • 完成(5 - 6): 本章为管理本组织的运作和促进其使命建立了有效的结构. The chapter consistently adheres to the espoused standards of the organization.
  • 卓越(7 - 8): 本章符合实现中概述的标准,并促进创新举措,扩大其所支持的标准的范围

2021 标准评估 forms are closed!

蓝带委员会确定了所有公认的分会应努力超越的四个主要领域. 这些领域包括:

  • 奖学金 -该分会将发展和维护一个学术项目,以支持分会成员的教育努力,并为大学的学术使命做出贡献.
  • 社区 Relationships (Chapter, ODU, and National) -该分会将建立一个积极的社区,在各自的分会内培养兄弟姐妹情谊,促进兄弟会之间的合作 & 女生联谊会的生活 and Old Dominion University. 兄弟姐妹情谊的基础应建立在(1)组织价值观和(2)安全和健康的环境之上.
  • 领导力发展 - The chapter will foster an environment that encourages, 支持, and promotes leadership in its members.
  • Integration of Values and Purpose - The chapter will teach and uphold the values of their organization, 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活, and Old Dominion University. 分会将促进规划和/或倡议,以加强分会成员对其组织目标的承诺. The chapter will foster and promote environments that are consistent with their purpose. 分会成员将了解他们的组织价值观,并能够将这些理想与他们的日常活动联系起来.

标准评估过程提供了与上面列出的领域一致的章节的全面评估, the experiences offered to members, as well as the overall impact the chapter has within the community. 该过程的目的是确保各章节获得充分评估其影响所需的反馈. 利益相关者, specifically including chapter advisors, 校友成员, 要求国家/区域代表参与这一进程,因为他们在支持分会发展方面具有关键作用. 标准评估过程将纳入以下代表的反馈意见:

  • Chapter Executive Boards
  • National/Regional Representatives
  • 章顾问
  • Chapter Presidents/Council 领导
  • 校园管理员

联谊会 & 姐妹会生活希望为各分会提供参与全面评估过程的机会,以确保建设性的反馈,同时尊重内部政策和仪式的保密性. 鼓励各章节充分利用这一评估过程,但各章节可以自行决定提交哪些信息供审查.

Multiple methods will be utilized to evaluate chapter standards. The overall evaluation will be based on self-assessment, 利益相关者评价, peer panel presentation, and administrative review. 每组评价者将被指派在相关性的基础上评估一组特定的标准. Evaluators will rate the chapter on a scale of 1-8. Scores of 1- 2 will indicate a rating of "Establishing"; 3-4 will indicate a rating of "Progressing"; 5-6 will indicate a rating of "Accomplished"; 7-8 will indicate a rating of "Excellence."


  • 建立(1 - 2): 该章节可能有也可能没有有效组织管理所必需的基本基础. 本章需要在这方面投入大量的精力和精力来改进.
  • 进展(3 - 4): 本章具有有效组织管理所必需的基本结构,但本章在遵循所支持的标准方面表现出相当大的不一致性.
  • 完成(5 - 6): 本章为管理本组织的运作和促进其使命建立了有效的结构. The chapter consistently adheres to the espoused standards of the organization.
  • 卓越(7 - 8): 本章符合实现中概述的标准,并促进创新举措,扩大其所支持的标准的范围

2021 标准评估 forms are closed!

每年春季学期, 兄弟会和姐妹会社区的分会和成员有机会根据上一个日历年的活动和项目申请奖项. The awards offered include both individual awards, as well as chapter awards.

  • Dr. Dana Burnett, Outstanding 联谊会 Man/Sorority Woman of the Year
    这个奖项是为了表彰一位兄弟会成员和一位姐妹会成员的杰出领导, 服务, 平均绩点, and overall contribution to the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区 as well as to Old Dominion University.
  • 唐纳德·K. Marchand Outstanding 校友/nae Award
    This award is named in honor of 唐纳德·K. Marchand, a past advisor for Sigma Nu 联谊会. Donald Marchand was instrumental in shaping the ODU 联谊会 & 作为一名优秀的顾问和志愿者,她表现出了优秀的品质. 该奖项旨在表彰具有杰出品质并为各自分会做出贡献的分会顾问或校友/ae志愿者, as well as to the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区. 所有的指导老师和校友/ae志愿者都不能是2021年唐纳德·K. Marchand Outstanding 校友/ae Award.

  • 最好的项目

    社区 服务/Philanthropy: 社区 服务 or Philanthropy event/program executed by chapter

    领导: 由分会为分会成员、ODU学生或社区策划和执行的领导力课程

    风险管理: Program encouraging healthy behaviors and choices executed by chapter. It needs to be a program that is not a direct initiative of inter/national organization, but rather a program designed by local ODU chapter.

    多样性 & 包含: 项目/活动直接促进ODU学生社区或ODU外的多样性和包容性努力.

    Co-Sponsorship: Co-sponsored program within the ODU 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 community. Both organizations have to submit separate applications in order to be considered.

  • Outstanding New Member of the Year
    This award is given to one IFC member, 一名MGC成员, 一名NPHC成员, 和一名PHC成员, who joined during the Spring 2021 or Fall 2021 semesters. 标准包括他们的领导、服务、平均绩点和对兄弟会的整体贡献 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区 as well as to Old Dominion University.

  • 无私的帮助
    This award will be given to five outstanding 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 members who have excelled within the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 community but have not been recognized. The applicant should be an unsung hero who puts in hours of behind-the-scenes work. They are a positive role model and advocate for the ODU 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 community and should value and be committed to the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 ideals and the university.

  • 出色的高级
    该奖项将颁发给在2022年12月或之前毕业或接受校友身份的五名高年级学生或大学成员, who have excelled in leadership, 奖学金, 服务, 或者校园活动. Nominees cannot be recipients of the 2021 Outstanding 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 Senior Award

  • Outstanding 社区 服务
    此奖项表彰一名兄弟会成员和一名姐妹会成员,表彰他们对兄弟会服务的杰出承诺 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区, the University community, and the local community. Nominees must be in good standing with their Chapter and the University.

  • Dr. Dana Burnett, Outstanding 联谊会 Man/Sorority Woman of the Year
    这个奖项是为了表彰一位兄弟会成员和一位姐妹会成员的杰出领导, 服务, 平均绩点, and overall contribution to the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区 as well as to Old Dominion University.

  • Outstanding New Member of the Year
    This award is given to one IFC member, 一名MGC成员, 一名NPHC成员, 和一名PHC成员, who joined during the Spring 2021 or Fall 2021 semesters. 标准包括他们的领导、服务、平均绩点和对兄弟会的整体贡献 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区 as well as to Old Dominion University.

  • 无私的帮助
    This award will be given to five outstanding 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 members who have excelled within the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 community but have not been recognized. The applicant should be an unsung hero who puts in hours of behind-the-scenes work. They are a positive role model and advocate for the ODU 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 community and should value and be committed to the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 ideals and the university.

  • 出色的高级
    该奖项将颁发给在2022年12月或之前毕业或接受校友身份的五名高年级学生或大学成员, who have excelled in leadership, 奖学金, 服务, 或者校园活动. Nominees cannot be recipients of the 2021 Outstanding 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 Senior Award.

  • Outstanding 社区 服务
    此奖项表彰一名兄弟会成员和一名姐妹会成员,表彰他们对兄弟会服务的杰出承诺 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区, the University community, and the local community. Nominees must be in good standing with their Chapter and the University.

Nomination is not required.

  • Academic Achievement 奖 (both chapter and individual)

  • Outstanding IFC Chapter (determined by the Standards Evaluation)

  • Outstanding NPHC Chapter (determined by the Standards Evaluation)

  • Outstanding PHC Chapter (determined by the Standards Evaluation)

  • Outstanding MGC Chapter (determined by the Standards Evaluation)


  • Dr. Dana Burnett, Outstanding 联谊会 Man/Sorority Woman of the Year
    这个奖项是为了表彰一位兄弟会成员和一位姐妹会成员的杰出领导, 服务, 平均绩点, and overall contribution to the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区 as well as to Old Dominion University.
  • 唐纳德·K. Marchand Outstanding 校友/nae Award
    This award is named in honor of 唐纳德·K. Marchand, a past advisor for Sigma Nu 联谊会. Donald Marchand was instrumental in shaping the ODU 联谊会 & 作为一名优秀的顾问和志愿者,她表现出了优秀的品质. 该奖项旨在表彰具有杰出品质并为各自分会做出贡献的分会顾问或校友/ae志愿者, as well as to the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区. 所有的指导老师和校友/ae志愿者都不能是2021年唐纳德·K. Marchand Outstanding 校友/ae Award.

  • 最好的项目

    社区 服务/Philanthropy: 社区 服务 or Philanthropy event/program executed by chapter

    领导: 由分会为分会成员、ODU学生或社区策划和执行的领导力课程

    风险管理: Program encouraging healthy behaviors and choices executed by chapter. It needs to be a program that is not a direct initiative of inter/national organization, but rather a program designed by local ODU chapter.

    多样性 & 包含: 项目/活动直接促进ODU学生社区或ODU外的多样性和包容性努力.

    Co-Sponsorship: Co-sponsored program within the ODU 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 community. Both organizations have to submit separate applications in order to be considered.

  • Outstanding New Member of the Year
    This award is given to one IFC member, 一名MGC成员, 一名NPHC成员, 和一名PHC成员, who joined during the Spring 2021 or Fall 2021 semesters. 标准包括他们的领导、服务、平均绩点和对兄弟会的整体贡献 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区 as well as to Old Dominion University.

  • 无私的帮助
    This award will be given to five outstanding 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 members who have excelled within the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 community but have not been recognized. The applicant should be an unsung hero who puts in hours of behind-the-scenes work. They are a positive role model and advocate for the ODU 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 community and should value and be committed to the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 ideals and the university.

  • 出色的高级
    该奖项将颁发给在2022年12月或之前毕业或接受校友身份的五名高年级学生或大学成员, who have excelled in leadership, 奖学金, 服务, 或者校园活动. Nominees cannot be recipients of the 2021 Outstanding 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 Senior Award

  • Outstanding 社区 服务
    此奖项表彰一名兄弟会成员和一名姐妹会成员,表彰他们对兄弟会服务的杰出承诺 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区, the University community, and the local community. Nominees must be in good standing with their Chapter and the University.

  • Dr. Dana Burnett, Outstanding 联谊会 Man/Sorority Woman of the Year
    这个奖项是为了表彰一位兄弟会成员和一位姐妹会成员的杰出领导, 服务, 平均绩点, and overall contribution to the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区 as well as to Old Dominion University.

  • Outstanding New Member of the Year
    This award is given to one IFC member, 一名MGC成员, 一名NPHC成员, 和一名PHC成员, who joined during the Spring 2021 or Fall 2021 semesters. 标准包括他们的领导、服务、平均绩点和对兄弟会的整体贡献 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区 as well as to Old Dominion University.

  • 无私的帮助
    This award will be given to five outstanding 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 members who have excelled within the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 community but have not been recognized. The applicant should be an unsung hero who puts in hours of behind-the-scenes work. They are a positive role model and advocate for the ODU 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 community and should value and be committed to the 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 ideals and the university.

  • 出色的高级
    该奖项将颁发给在2022年12月或之前毕业或接受校友身份的五名高年级学生或大学成员, who have excelled in leadership, 奖学金, 服务, 或者校园活动. Nominees cannot be recipients of the 2021 Outstanding 联谊会 & 女生联谊会的生活 Senior Award.

  • Outstanding 社区 服务
    此奖项表彰一名兄弟会成员和一名姐妹会成员,表彰他们对兄弟会服务的杰出承诺 & 女生联谊会的生活 社区, the University community, and the local community. Nominees must be in good standing with their Chapter and the University.

Nomination is not required.

  • Academic Achievement 奖 (both chapter and individual)

  • Outstanding IFC Chapter (determined by the Standards Evaluation)

  • Outstanding NPHC Chapter (determined by the Standards Evaluation)

  • Outstanding PHC Chapter (determined by the Standards Evaluation)

  • Outstanding MGC Chapter (determined by the Standards Evaluation)


Academic Student Success

ODU致力于所有学生的学术卓越,并提供各种资源来支持学生的成功, including important resources for our undergraduate students.