Student Exchange or Afilliated 项目


Congratulations on the acceptance of your 应用程序 to study abroad! We hope that you will have a wonderful and rewarding experience abroad.

你可以在下面找到关于你参加交流和附属项目的重要后续步骤的信息. 的 information provided on this page is not meant to be exhaustive. 一定要向留学办公室的顾问咨询,以确保你已经完成了留学经历所需的所有必要步骤.

您有责任查看ODU出国留学手册的内容,您可以在您的 ODUAbroad 账户. 这份文件旨在为您提供成功出国留学所需的大部分信息.

所有参加交换项目或附属项目的学生都必须参加一个强制性的出发前项目. For students participating in a semester or yearlong programs, this program has been divided into two sessions, 两个你都必须参加. For students participating in summer-affiliated programs, you will have one pre-departure meeting.

这些会议是你准备出国留学的重要组成部分,所有参与者都必须参加. We will contact you once the orientation sessions have been scheduled.

In order to travel in and out of the United States, you must have a valid passport. If you do not already have one that is valid for six months beyond your return date, 为了在足够的时间内获得参加项目和/或获得任何必要的签证,您现在申请一个是至关重要的. 您将通过以下方式向我们的办公室提供您的护照信息(包括扫描件) ODUAbroad. For information on applying for a passport, please see the 国务院网站.

签证是由你将要学习或旅行的国家当局颁发的官方许可,允许你进入并留在那个国家. Some countries require visas to enter as a tourist, while others require them only for extended stays. Visas are not usually required for tourism in Eastern and Western European countries, but there are frequently different regulations concerning study and work.

学生签证是需要进入许多国家的老自治领赞助出国留学项目. 的 visa itself is usually a stamp in your passport rather than a separate document. Visas are issued at the country's embassy in the U.S. or at consulates located in major U.S. 城市. 你必须完全填写所有文件,并严格按照指示提交. 您将与为您在美国的合法住所提供服务的相应大使馆或领事馆合作.S. 留学办公室可以为您提供有关如何获得适当的签证申请的信息. Be sure to apply for a visa well in advance of your departure date.

在某些情况下, even though a visa is not required, 进入该国需要适当的录取通知书和财务文件.e. Spain, Japan, United Kingdom, Ireland). 留学顾问或您的项目顾问可以向您提供有关需要哪些文件的说明.

If you plan to travel outside of your host country, you may need additional visas; check requirements with the consulates of specific countries. 的 U.S. 国务院 provides valuable information regarding entry requirements for various countries.

如果你不是美国人.S. 公民, 你应该咨询最近的你的国籍国的领事馆和最近的你计划学习的国家的领事馆. 的 procedures which you will follow may be different from those for U.S. 公民. 重要的是尽快开始这一进程,以便汇编文件并为冗长的程序留出时间. U.S. permanent residents must check with the U.S. Immigration 服务 concerning regulations for reentry into the U.S. It is particularly important to verify procedures for those who contemplate being outside the U.S. 六个多月了. 国际学生还必须见国际学生顾问,并在签证文件上签名,以便重新进入美国.S.

Check with the Office of 出国留学 about how and when to pay your program fees.

Once you are accepted for a study abroad program or exchange, an official budget will be created by your study abroad advisor and sent to Ms. Margaret Strachan who work in the Office of 金融援助 (Rollins Hall).

Because a study abroad experience can be both physically and emotionally demanding, we ask that you provide a candid evaluation of your health. 由于文化冲击或生活条件的变化而产生一定程度的压力是在国外生活的正常组成部分. 在某些情况下, such stress may aggravate disabilities or illnesses which you manage with little difficulty at home. As you complete this questionnaire online, 我们希望帮助您考虑出国前应该考虑的健康问题. 这些信息将主要用于指导我们为您作为留学参与者做出适当的安排.

的 information provided is confidential and will be shared only with program staff, 教师, 或者合适的专业人士, and only if pertinent to your well-being. 的 Office of 出国留学 may not be able to accommodate all individual needs or circumstances, although we will make every effort to do so. You will complete this questionnaire on ODUAbroad.

bet8体育娱乐入口 is committed to offering and supporting safe, 治学严谨的, and diverse international education abroad programs and services for ODU students, 教师, 和工作人员.

的 University requires that all students, 教师, 参加海外国际教育计划的工作人员——无论是学分性质的还是非学分性质的——在学习期间都有完整的国际健康保险.

学生, 教师, 和工作人员 should contact the Office of 出国留学 to facilitate compliance with the 国际 Education Abroad 健康保险 Policy.

该大学已与CISI保险公司签订合同,负责管理ODU学生的国际健康保险, 教师, 和工作人员 participating in international education programs sponsored, 管理, or coordinated by bet8体育娱乐入口 教师 or staff. Instructions for purchasing the insurance can be found on your ODUAbroad 账户.

If you are receiving any financial aid from ODU (grants, 贷款, and/or scholarships) you are required to complete this form which can be found on your ODUAbroad 账户. 表格的第二页必须由公证人签署,这通常可以在你的银行完成. 带上完整的 form 到留学办公室,我们将制作一份副本存档,并将原件退还给您,并交给您指定的委托书.

Before departing for a study abroad program/exchange, 学生有责任被告知并获得批准(有适当的签名),以使用在国外获得的学分获得旧道明大学的学位. This form should be completed and turned in to the Office of 出国留学 之前 你离开了美国.S. This form ensures that your courses/classes/modules/units from abroad will transfer back to ODU. You can obtain this form in your ODUAbroad 应用程序.

在你离开之前, 与你的学术顾问一起选择和审查你的课程负荷,以确保你的课程学习将满足专业要求, 小, 和/或其他要求. You should then meet with the 总部门顾问 of each bet8体育娱乐入口 department to receive pre-approval for the selected courses. 例如, if you plan on taking courses in economics, 历史, and art; you need to visit the chief department for each of these departments. 顾问将评估属于其部门的每门课程描述,并填写旧道明大学的课程等效性. 他们的签名表明,在成功完成课程后,该课程将被预先批准转回bet8体育娱乐入口.

为了获得ODU的转学分,你必须在每门海外学习课程中获得相当于“及格分数”(在你出国留学的系统中)或更高的分数. 这些课程的成绩不会出现在成绩单上,也不会计算到你的平均成绩中. 你应该意识到, 然而, 许多研究生项目会要求提供留学大学或项目的成绩单.
