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From Iraq to ODU: 美国的月亮's Experience as a Student Veteran Makes Her Want to Help Others

One of 1,600 graduates at Commencement this week, 美国的月亮 has made her mark on Old Dominion.



Across Campus - A Photo Essay

This week's gallery focuses on the work of Ken Daley, a professor in the visual arts department, who has been at Old Dominion University teaching students the art of letterpress and other printing techniques for over 50 years. 信press is a technique of relief printing where movable type is composed and locked into the "bed" or "chase" of a press, ink is applied and then paper pressed against it to create a visible impression. Photos by Julie Berry and Chuck Thomas

A Picture is Worth...

虽然Photo by Chuck Thomas

In this week's featured picture, Hector Gortaire is seen sanding the down fuselage of a model plane to level out the area where the wing will be attached. The plane is being built for a competition with other universities. Gortaire, of Ecuador, is a senior mechanical engineering major with a concentration in Aerospace.


Experience Guaranteed

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