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Spring Semester Will Feature a Number of 事件 Commemorating the 400th Anniversary of the First African Landing in North America


bet8体育娱乐入口 is planning a number of events and activities during the spring semester as part of a year of introspection and community conversations to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the first African landing in North America.

The first event is the 35th annual Martin Luther King Jr. 仪式定于晚上7点举行.m. 1月. 14 in the Big Blue Room at the Ted Constant Convocation Center. Part of the University's "Writing a New 历史: Let's Talk About Our Dream" conversations during 2019-20 school year, the King observance will feature a panel discussion that includes Verandall Tucker, 安东尼和伊莎贝拉的后裔, 谁 are believed to have arrived during the first landing at Point Comfort in Hampton in 1619; Colita Fairfax, professor at Norfolk State University; the Rev. 小约瑟夫·格林., rector emeritus of Grace Episcopal Church in Norfolk; and Brenda Andrews, 新杂志和指南的出版商. 艾迪Richburg, executive director of the 400 Years of African American 历史 Commission, 将主持讨论.

同一周, 作为纪念活动的一部分, the University will exhibit the work of painter Ted Ellis, 谁 将推出 他的《bet8体育娱乐入口》画作. 这些艺术品, 展出的二十多件展品之一, 占领了塔克家族公墓, 威廉·塔克的墓地, 谁se birth was the first one documented in the English colonies. 展览将是免费的 开放 向公众开放. 15 through March 1 in the Goode Theatre, Monday through Friday from noon 到下午4点.m. 埃利斯将从中午到下午4点在展览现场.m. 1月. 15点到17点和11点.m. 到下午4点.m. 1月. 19.

A "Let's Sing About Our Dream" concert will be held at the Diehn Center for the Performing 艺术 at 7:30 p.m. 1月. 24. F. Ludwig Diehn Chorale will perform "1619-2019; Four Hundred Years - The Journey Through Music." The Chorale concert will feature a variety of music, 包括非裔美国人的灵歌, 来自非洲的自由之歌, 非裔美国作曲家的音乐, 还有刚果之歌, 尼日利亚和加纳. The concert will be directed by Nancy Klein, professor and chair of the F. 路德维希·迪恩音乐学院.

Other "Let's Talk About Our Dream" lectures sponsored by the 文学院 and 信s:

  • 《bet8九州登录入口》,下午5:30.m. 1月. 28, Hampton/Newport News Room, Webb University Center.
  • 《bet8九州登录入口》下午五点半.m. 2月. 5, Hampton/Newport News Room, Webb University Center.
  • 《网站登录》下午五点半.m. March 26, Hampton/Newport News Room, Webb University Center.
  • "Reparations and Building Community Capacity," 3 p.m. April 2, James Lynnhaven York Room, Webb University Center.

另外, Shuntay塔沃, assistant professor of counseling and human services, will teach a special-topics course as part of the African American and African Studies Program. It will focus on the theme: "Let's Talk About Our Dream." The course is designed to explore the strength and resilience of African Americans, from their origins in Africa to current day within the United States.

Also planned is a study tour to the Smithsonian National Museum of African American 历史 and 文化 in Washington on April 3.

4月8日, Nikole Hannah-Jones is scheduled to give a presentation titled "1619 and the Legacy that Built a Nation." As the lead writer for New York Times Magazine's "The 1619 Project" — a major, viral multimedia initiative observing the 400th anniversary of the first African slaves arriving in America — Hannah-Jones explores the lasting legacy of black enslavement on the nation; specifically, how black Americans pushed for the democracy we have today. "The 1619 Project" features all black American authors, 积极分子, 记者等, 向全世界传播信息. 进行谈判, 汉娜-琼斯探讨了其中的原因, 尽管我们取得了进步, we must remain vigilant in the fight against racial inequality. 活动时间定在晚上7点到8点半.m. 地点待定.

For more information about these and other 400th anniversary activities at ODU, go to this link.



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