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Students, 教师 Reflect on Trip to Study the Holocaust

By Amy Matzke-Fawcett



由犹太RESEARCH和宗教间理解RESEARCH所(IJIU)赞助, the Center for 教师 Development and the Office of 出国留学, the Office of Academic Affairs and the 文学院 & 信, speakers included IJIU Director Amy Milligan; Annette Finley-Croswhite, professor of history and director of the Center for 教师 Development; Thomas Chapman, associate professor of geography; and many of the students who attended the trip.

学生们分享了他们的经历,并对跨学科的海外学习进行了反思, active-learning opportunities. Since the trip was led by Chapman, 一个地理学家, and Finley-Croswhite, a historian and Fellow of the Auschwitz Jewish Center in Poland, 它以合作的方式结合了对大屠杀的RESEARCH,并开展了本科生RESEARCH.

历史系大四学生梅洛妮·布尔克说,虽然她RESEARCH过大屠杀,也看过奥斯维辛集中营的照片和学生们参观过的许多地方, 亲眼目睹暴行发生地的惨无人道让她措手不及.

"It went from being exciting, 出国留学, 到真正踏入其中一个营地或纪念地点的谦卑经历,布尔克说. "Once you're there, and you try to understand what people during the war saw and experienced, 这与在电视上或书上看到的完全不同."

直到大约15年前,人们才从地理学家的角度来RESEARCH大屠杀. But the movements, deportations and placements, 集中营选址背后的原因是地理因素, 查普曼说,. He credited Finley-Croswhite for designing the course, 他补充说,在遗址中行走和解读景观是将历史联系在一起的重要组成部分, 从社会和地理角度了解大屠杀对学生和教授的影响.

访问中的一个关键时刻是,他们会见了人道主义组织Yahad-In Unum的代表. 然后,他们的导游带他们去了犹太人在1941年被谋杀的乱葬岗.

查普曼说:“这让人大开眼界,因为你走进树林,那里什么都没有。. “它确实汇集了(纳粹)最终解决方案的不同策略."

与yahain Unum的互动也是主修历史和政治学双学位的大四学生Alexandra Arnold的关键时刻. While it was Arnold's third study abroad, and second in Poland with Finley-Croswhite, each teaches something important.

"In order for the phrase 'never forget' to actually mean something, 我们必须积极寻求在全球范围内查明和打击侵犯人权的行为," Arnold told the group. “通过在波兰的学习,我学到了比我想象中更多的东西. 但是现在呢?? 我觉得我有责任继续为那些不能再说话的人发声, and to share what I have learned in the hopes of repairing the world."


芬利-克劳斯怀特曾多次带领这趟旅行,他说这趟旅行会让人身心不适, but added that it's "the most important thing I do as a teacher."

“我的目标是教学生认识到过去种族主义和反犹太主义的影响,这样他们就能谴责现在的这种仇恨. 我想培养全球公民,让他们在面对21世纪的挑战时充满同情心," Finley-Croswhite said.

这次旅行为学生们提供的资源包括阿诺德RESEARCH立法和纽伦堡审判的特别项目,还包括与顶尖大学的教授一起工作,以及获得RESEARCH资料. The rest of the group focused on analyzing landscapes of atrocity.

“我们坚信体验式学习的力量,它不仅有可能成为我们学生的变革性体验, but also to help foster more understanding among different peoples," said Michael Dean, deputy director of the Office of 出国留学 at ODU.

For more ODU student perspectives, visit the Holocaust Landscapes 出国留学 博客.

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