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For many, losing an hour of sleep at the end of daylight savings time is enough to throw off a week. Congress appears to agree; last week, 参议院通过了《阳光保护法案, 如果签署成为法律, 会让日光节约时间永久化吗. 但这一建议可能无法实现良好睡眠, 据bet8体育娱乐入口睡眠RESEARCH员玛丽安娜·什克洛-考克斯说.

“我同意一年两次的季节性时间变化应该被取消, 并建立了一个永久的时间. 但是有了夏令时, 社交时差的风险也在增加, 你什么时候工作, school and other responsibilities are chronically misaligned with your natural biological circadian rhythm,什克洛-考克斯说, an associate professor of community and environmental health in the 健康科学学院. 她注意到 美国睡眠医学学会 支持全年标准时间.

"National year-round fixed standard time aligns best with human circadian rhythm biology and would be best for public health and 安全. Permanent Daylight Savings Time may even work against the changes we're trying to make with delaying school start times. 与DST, 我们早上的光照更少, so it disrupts this zeitgeber - an external cue that influences our internal circadian clocks."

Szklo-Coxe has spent her career studying how sleep research can inform public policy to better align the rhythms of our daily lives with the rhythms of our sleep. She recently published a chapter in the first textbook ever published on sleep as a matter of public health.

Sleep was once a fringe research topic, but public interest has grown in recent years. Smart watches track sleep, apps help you fall asleep and sleep products have become more popular.

While Szklo-Coxe does not use sleep tracking technology, she appreciates the 注意 to her field. She began her career as a behavioral scientist with an interest in public health and injury risk, exploring how to prevent unintentional injuries by understanding and addressing modifiable risk factors.

“我们不会称之为车祸,我们会称之为撞车事故. We don't consider outcomes like crashes and adverse medical events mere 'errors,'" she said. 她想知道是什么因素, 包括睡眠和疲劳, 导致可预防的不良事件.

Szklo-Coxe was a doctoral student at Johns Hopkins University when the NIH's National Center on Sleep Disorders RESEARCH started. 她申请资助RESEARCH疲劳驾驶, 受伤风险和轮班工人, 特别是住院医师. Studying these sleep and work-schedule risks started her career in sleep research.

Szklo-Coxe从公共健康的角度来看待睡眠. 《睡眠健康基础,,由美国国家睡眠基金会发布, is the first of its kind to focus on public health rather than sleep disorders and clinical diagnosis.

她的章节探讨了睡眠的心理社会方面, 将健康行为理论应用于睡眠行为和睡眠健康. She also offers approaches health professionals can use to promote healthy sleep behaviors across the lifespan.

"The book is innovative; it's the National Sleep Foundation's first textbook on sleep health and gave me a chance to address psychosocial aspects of sleep health that are often neglected,什克洛-考克斯说.

She invited two other researchers to participate in the study for her chapter in the textbook when they were at ODU as a professor and student, respectively: Kendall Leser from Miami University and Margaret Lubas from Radford University. 这一章叫做“睡眠健康的心理社会维度”.在里面, the researchers write about how we think about sleep health and sleep behaviors and provide guidelines for sleep health promotion in one's community.

For Szklo-Coxe, promoting sleep health has included advocacy f或晚 high school start times. 她是这家非营利组织的顾问委员会成员 推迟上学 and has worked with colleagues to share research findings with school boards and administrators around the state.

She worked with other researchers to study and address the impact of sleep on students' mental health in Fairfax County Schools. RESEARCH发现,推迟上课时间可以减少自杀, 青少年的抑郁和其他危险行为, 2014年, 费尔法克斯县学校将高中上课时间改为早上8点.m. 或晚. 这项RESEARCH发表在《青年与青春期杂志》上.

She has continued to advocate closer to home in Hampton Roads and worked on a Virginia Academy of Sleep Medicine position paper acknowledging the need f或晚 school start times for teens, 可以改善睡眠, 注意, 安全, 表演, 心理健康和整体健康.

“这也说明了健康公平问题,”她说. "Some students in certain neighborhoods have to go to their bus stop before 6 a.m."

她现在正在RESEARCH大学生和睡眠剥夺, aiming to develop effective interventions to address sleep issues in young adults and prevent adverse outcomes.

斯科洛-考克斯努力践行她所宣扬的, though she recognizes it can be challenging to limit exposure to electronic devices and blue light at night. 她强调了有效小睡的好处.

"I think we should have nap bays at ODU, but that's another story," she said.



ODU Professor Receives NEH Fellowship to Study Overlooked Female Philosopher

Teresa Kouri Kissel will write a book about Susan Stebbing, who aimed to make logic accessible. (更多)


20th RESEARCH生 RESEARCH Conference Explores the 影响 of COVID-19 on 全球 健康

由博士领导. 哥斯达黎加驻美国大使费尔南多·略尔卡·卡斯特罗说.S., a panel of health experts discussed challenges and opportunities for a post-pandemic world. (更多)



RESEARCH人员将探讨家庭如何谈论COVID疫苗, 以及让顾客帮个忙对销售人员来说是如何起作用的. (更多)



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