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Handbook and paperwork for the newly hired.

Old Dominion University

Board of 访问ors Policy

1704 政策 and 程序 for EVMS 教师 Promotion

Date of Current Revision or Creation: 2023年6月16日

    晋升是对卓越表现的主要认可. 这种卓越可以在所有学术领域(教学)中表现出来, 临床护理, RESEARCH/discovery and administration/service). 晋升到更高的级别意味着EVMS教员的认可, concurrent with the honor and privileges awarded, there are continuing obligations to academic excellence, professional growth and service. 只有在对候选人的优点进行全面评估后,才会进行晋升. It is the Policy of ODU that EVMS 教师 promotions shall be made in accordance with the applicable Standards of Excellence, the Appointment and Promotions Guidelines, and the framework outlined in this Policy. 本政策仅适用于定义为全日制学院的“EVMS学院”, Part-Time 教师, 或Community教员(定义见教员任命政策和程序), Promotion and Tenure of EVMS 教师), who provide clinical, 教学, RESEARCH, or administrative services, whether paid or unpaid, EVMS医学院(SOM)及/或EVMS卫生专业学院(SHP). 此处提及的“教员”均指本政策中定义的EVMS教员.


    1. Ongoing Evaluation

      Each Departmental Chair of the SOM and the Dean of the SHP should make promotion expectations explicit for each faculty member at the time of initial recruitment and appointment, 在随后的年度审查中重申和/或修改这些期望. 这些明确的期望应该引导教师走向他们的晋升. For these expectations to be achievable, 应该有明显的机会让教师分配必要的时间来实现这些目标, 在合理的时间内考虑晋升. A faculty member's progress toward meeting these objectives will be judged in accordance with the faculty member's percentage of effort directed toward 教学, 临床护理, RESEARCH/discovery and administration/service. Annual reviews at which Department Chairs of the SOM (or designee) and the Dean of the SHP meet with individual faculty to discuss faculty accomplishments, 计划 for the coming year, and progress toward promotion, are critical to this process. The annual meeting between Department Chair of the SOM or Dean of the SHP (or their designees) and faculty member should result in documentation of all explicit agreements regarding allocation of effort, 目标, 计划, and performance expectations. 当候选人被提议任命和/或晋升时, the Department Chair of the SOM or Dean of the SHP's letter for the faculty candidate should summarize departmental expectations and 目标, 并清楚地指出教师在教学中分配的努力的百分比, 临床护理, RESEARCH/discovery and administration/ service.

    2. 时间框架

      Promotion to Associate Professor usually requires between 4 and 6 years following initial appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. Promotion to Full Professor usually occurs between 5 and 7 years after first appointment as Associate Professor. There are no time limits on these promotions.

    3. Promotion Process

      Promotions at the ranks of Instructor and Assistant Professor are not considered by the Appointments and Promotions Committee. 在这些层面上, 晋升由主管教务及专业发展的副院长(“教务及专业发展副院长”)审核。, the Dean of the SOM, 如果适用的话, and approved by the EVP following receipt of the appropriate materials from the Department Chair of the SOM or Dean of the SHP. Nominations for promotion at the Associate Professor or Professor ranks are considered by the Appointments and Promotions Committee. 以下是晋升到所有级别的一般程序大纲.

      1. 由SOM系主任或SHP院长进行初步和年度评估. 文件应包括教学领域的时间分配, 临床护理, RESEARCH/discovery and administration/service.

      2. Candidate identified for promotion in a Department.

      3. 候选人将所需文件提交给管理学院系主任或SHP院长.

      4. 管理学院系主任或学院院长获得推荐信.

      5. [可选]提名送交部门晋升委员会考虑.

      6. [Optional] Recommendation from Departmental or School of 健康 Professions Promotions Committee to the Department Chair of the SOM or Dean of the SHP.

      7. Nomination package forwarded by the Department Chair of the SOM or Dean of the SHP to the Executive Vice President ("EVP") in care of FAPD.

      8. 农发基金审查提名,以确保提交必要的资料.

      9. 讲师/助理教授级别的提名由FAPD副院长审查, the Dean of the SOM, 如果适用的话, and approved by the EVP.

      10. For the ranks of Associate Professor and Professor, 执行副总裁将提名方案转交人事及晋升委员会,由警务处负责.

      11. 提名由委任及晋升委员会审核, the Dean of the SOM, 如果适用的话, 并将建议提交执行副总裁审核批准.

      12. 如果得到批准, FAPD向教员和学院院长或学院院长发送确认函.

    4. Promotion Nomination Package Required Checklist

      1. Department Chair of the SOM or Dean of the SHP 信
        1. Rank at which candidate is being proposed.

        2. Time in current rank.

        3. Description of candidate's assigned duties, 工作描述, 每年分配给以下领域的时间百分比:教学, 临床护理, RESEARCH/discovery and administration/service. Also comment on major changes, 如果有任何, 在候选人在职期间,这四个方面的时间分配.

        4. SOM系主任或SHP院长对候选人能力的评估, 经验, accomplishments and performance (i.e.(杰出的,优秀的)在上面提到的四个方面.

      2. 信s of Recommendation

        信s of recommendation provide important perspective on the fulfillment of criteria for the candidate seeking promotion. The external and/or internal letters of recommendation are requested and obtained by the Department Chair of the SOM or Dean of the SHP and should place the academic and scholarly activities of the candidate in context of other academic institutions. A faculty candidate for promotion is not permitted to solicit any letters of recommendation or contact the internal/external referees regarding the letters of recommendation. 信s should be obtained from well-qualified scientists, Academics, 能够对候选人的工作提供公正客观评价的教育工作者和临床医生. 在一般情况下, 潜在的外部推荐人至少应该与候选人保持一定的距离. The nature of the professional relationship of the candidate and the potential referee must be specified in the letter. 这些信件应该记录个人认识候选人的时间和身份, 候选人为获得晋升而具备的资格和专业知识. 信件应寄给SOM的系主任或SHP的院长. Specifically, letters of recommendation should:

        • 明确推荐人与候选人之间的关系
        • 反思候选人的教学投入和技能(如果相关)
        • 对临床实践承诺的评论(如果相关), 尤指在最近的任命或晋升期间
        • 阐述学术生产力的范围和相关性,包括优势和劣势
        • Reflect on the 领导 abilities, qualities and reputation of the candidate, whether in a local, regional or national/international setting
        • 评价候选人在机构和专业服务方面的贡献
        • Provide perspectives on the character, 技能, 生产力, 领导, scholarly context or other qualities of the candidate, 尤其是在对同行学术机构的期望方面
        • Any additional insight that may be helpful to the Appointment and Promotion Committee regarding the candidate's promotion and/or academic appointment

        不期望每封推荐信都涉及上述所有方面, nor would the reflective referee be able to do so. 因此, to ensure all of these areas are appraised, it is necessary for the candidate to have at least three letters in support of the nomination for promotion from various referees.

        1. For Assistant Professor:

          1. Three internal and/or external letters are required. They should be obtained from training directors, faculty members at the training institution or other professionals with an academic appointment at an equivalent or higher rank than that for which the candidate is being proposed.

          2. They should document the candidate's competence in one domain area and participation in at least another domain area of assigned responsibility. (i.e.、教学、临床护理、RESEARCH/发现和管理/服务).

        2. For Associate Professor

          1. Three external letters are required. They should be obtained from individuals at an equivalent or higher rank than that for which the candidate is being proposed.

          2. They must come from three different institutions.

          3. One letter may come from an individual who holds a position within institutes/organizations such as the NIH and has previously held an academic appointment at an equivalent or higher rank.

          4. 除了, 最多可以获得三封来自管理学院教授或系主任的推荐信.

          5. 他们应该说明候选人如何在国内或国际上得到认可.

          6. They should document excellence in one or more domain areas and meritorious contributions in other domain areas and/or competence in other domain areas of assigned responsibility. (i.e.、教学、临床护理、RESEARCH/发现和管理/服务).

        3. 教授:

          1. Three external letters are required. They should be obtained from individuals at an equivalent rank than that for which the candidate is being proposed.

          2. They must come from three different institutions, at least two from outside the Commonwealth of Virginia

            1. 其中一封信可能来自弗吉尼亚联邦,但不在ODU.

            2. One letter may come from an individual who holds a position within institutes/organizations such as the NIH and has previously held an academic appointment at an equivalent rank.

          3. 除了, 最多可以获得三封来自管理学院教授或系主任的推荐信.

          4. 他们应该说明候选人如何在国内或国际上得到认可.

          5. They should document excellence in one or more domain areas and meritorious contributions in other domain areas of assigned responsibility. (i.e.、教学、临床护理、RESEARCH/发现和管理/服务).

      3. Curriculum Vitae and Additional Required 信息.

        For the purpose of promotions, 候选人应在简历表上提供所要求的信息, available from FAPD http://www.evms.edu/facultyaffairs. 除了, the candidate should provide additional information not already included in the Curriculum Vitae format as required for documentation of scholarly activity as outlined in the Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion of EVMS 教师. 所有候选人应编写并附上每个领域(教学)的作品集, 临床护理, 个人有时间分配的RESEARCH/发现和管理/服务, documenting evidence of quality of 教学, assessments of clinical service and RESEARCH, and contributions to the department and school.


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