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当前修订或创建日期: 2023年6月16日
  1. 政策

    It is the policy of ODU that all EVMS Department Chairs of the School of Medicine ("SOM") or the Dean of the School of 健康 Professions ("SHP"), 简称学术单位行政首长, 或者他们的设计师, annually evaluate all faculty members appointed within their departments or programs with the exception of those faculty members who are appointed with an "Adjunct" or "访问ing" title. 学术单位应尽合理努力将晋升过程告知教员, 包括任期内, 鼓励他们参加与职业目标一致的专业发展活动. 本政策仅适用于“EVMS学院”定义为全日制学院或兼职学院, (如有关聘用教员的政策及程序所界定), EVMS教员晋升及终身任职, 他们提供临床, 教学, RESEARCH, 或在SOM或SHP的行政服务. 此处提及的“教员”均指本政策中定义的EVMS教员. 兼职教师或访问教师应遵守ODU管理ODU教师审查的政策.

  2. 目的

    SOM和SHP重视卓越的教学, 临床护理, RESEARCH/发现和管理/服务. The institution believes that an ongoing performance management process supports these values by providing faculty with performance feedback in order to underst和 what is expected, 他们在这四个领域的表现如何, 以及为获得晋升或终身职位而实现或保持卓越所需要的条件. 具体地说, annual reviews of faculty performance are intended to: 1) involved faculty members in the design 和 evaluation of objectives 和 goals of their academic programs 和 in the identification of the performance expectations central to their own personal 和 专业 growth; 2) assess actual performance 和 accomplishments in the areas 教学, 临床护理, RESEARCH/发现和管理/服务; 3) promote the effectiveness of faculty members through an articulation of the types of contributions they might make to enhance the SOM和SHP; 4) provide a written record of faculty performance to support personnel decisions; 5) recognize the special talents, 功能, 和 achievements of faculty members; 6) correct unsatisfactory ratings in one of more areas of responsibility through specific faculty improvement plans designed to correct the deficiencies in a timely manner; 和 7) fulfill 连任, 对教员的晋升和终身制审查(适当时).

  3. 过程

    1. 评审过程

      1. 请注意

        教师事务和专业发展(FAPD)将通知所有教师, chairs 和 administrators via email in the spring of each year that the annual performance review process has begun with directions 和 a link to the evaluation form 和 activity report.

      2. 教师提交

        Each faculty member shall submit an annual evaluation form 和 any other materials that may be deemed relevant to the academic unit's administrative head of their past year's performance 和 their goals 和 priorities for subsequent year in a timely manner for review. 年度评估表上提供的信息应以后续年度审查的适当标准为基础, 连任, 促销活动, 以及(如适用)终身教职和终身教职后的审查. 在教学领域, 学生对教师表现的评价和其他教学表现的表达是必需的. 学生对教员的评价应由医学教育办公室提供给学术单位的行政主管, SOM和SHP.

      3. 回顾会议

        学术单位的行政首长, 或被任命者, shall meet with each faculty to discuss progress toward meeting last year's goals in all domains aligned with the institution's mission areas 和 determine goals 和 priorities for the upcoming year in accordance with the faculty's percentage of effort directed toward 教学, 临床护理, RESEARCH/发现和管理/服务. 应尽合理努力告知教员晋升过程和晋升准则, 包括任期内, 鼓励他们参加与职业目标一致的专业发展活动. 如果教员做出了杰出的贡献, 应鼓励他们按照指导方针的时间框架申请晋升. 之后要尽快, the academic unit administrative head or their designee shall prepare a written report of the evaluation that is acknowledged by both parties verifying that the evaluation was completed, 我们阅读并讨论了反馈.

      4. 备用审稿人和多重任命

        1. 如果学术单位的行政主管没有常规联系或不了解教员的表现, 他们可以在学术单位内选择另一个人作为指定人(例如.e., 副主席, 部门主任或项目主任),他是一个监督角色,并了解个别教员的表现.

        2. 教员所承担的行政任务需要付出50%以上的努力, 年度绩效评估应由主管管理者进行,其他单位在适当情况下提供适当的意见. 有关学术进步的决定仍由学术单位行政首长负责.

        3. 当教员有多个涉及行政的任命时, 专业, 或者其他作业, 学术单位的行政主管负责进行年度绩效评估, 或被任命者, 并处理每项任务下的贡献.

      5. 失败或拒绝提交

        If the faculty member does not timely submit or denies to submit annual performance review information to the academic unit administrative head, 或被任命者, 该教员应获得总体不满意的绩效评级, 哪个部门将启动下文所述的教员改进计划, 除非行政主管确定存在例外的正当理由.

      6. 审查文件


      7. 复习的使用

        The appropriate Dean of each school as well as the appropriate committees shall have access to the annual performance reports for subsequent annual review, 连任, 促销活动, 和, 如果适用的话, 任期的决定. 最近三年完成的年度业绩评估, 在晋升和终身任职的过程中会被考虑吗, 但这样的评估并不能决定晋升和终身职位的决定. 在年度绩效评估中,令人满意的评分并不一定表明在晋升和终身任职方面取得了成功. Progress toward 促销活动 和 tenure requires scholarly accomplishment over a period of years in the broader range of faculty responsibilities, 并包括外部推荐人的评价, 哪些不是年度审查程序的一部分. 有关晋升和任期的标准和决定在适用政策中有详细说明.

    2. 非终身制和终身制教师评分不理想

      1. 整体不满意评分

        如果一名教员的整体年度绩效评估被评为不满意, 教员的直接主管应与教员一起制定个性化的教员改进计划(FIP)。. FIP应在年度绩效考核完成后30天内创建. It should take into consideration the reasons for under performance by the faculty member including 专业ism issues that interfere with the faculty member's performance; lack of knowledge/skills to perform assigned tasks 和 willful or deliberate neglect of roles, 职责或任务, 并包括具体的基准,以提高教师在下一学年的表现, 或者可以根据机构政策选择发起其他行动.

      2. 教员改进计划

        教员改进计划(FIP)的目标是恢复教员作为教员的充分贡献成员的地位. 教师必须负责制定FIP的会议,并及时提交必要的材料, 并在FIP制定后遵循它.

        1. FIP aims to address a) two or more areas of performance rated as unsatisfactory; b) one area of performance rated as unsatisfactory, depending on the emphasis assigned to that area or the extent of the deficiency; c) the faculty member's failure to provide annual performance review information on time to their academic unit's administrative head (或被任命者); d) the faculty's member denial to submit annual performance review information on time to their academic unit's administrative head (或被任命者); e) ratings of needs improvement in more than one area of performance before they become sufficiently serious to impair the faculty member's overall performance.

        2. FIP一般会:

          1. 描述具体的缺陷;

          2. 提供纠正缺陷所需的清晰合理的结果清单;

          3. 描述为取得成果而应遵循的过程;

          4. 提供完成流程的时间表,包括频繁的回顾和反馈;

          5. 描述基准和期望.

          6. 描述用于评估FIP进展的标准.

        3. 学术单位的行政首长 (或被任命者) develops the plan in collaboration with the faculty member 和 the appropriate department/unit committee, 当可用的.

        4. 该计划的期限最长为一年, 为教师制定明确和可实现的目标,并包括适当的中期监督和反馈. 在适当情况下,该计划包括部门或机构资源的承诺(例如.e.、辅导、师资发展).

        5. The plan may also include a reallocation of the faculty member's workload distribution in accord with the department workload st和ards 和 is signed by the faculty member, 学术单位的行政主管(或指定人员)和相应学院的院长.

      3. 教员改进计划的预期结果

        教师应在一年内证明在不足方面的改进达到预期的水平. 如果教师未能展示相对于基准和绩效目标的合理进步, 解雇的原因或不续签合同可以启动, 如果启动,将按照适用的政策进行.

      4. 拒绝参与

        如果教师拒绝参与教师改进计划的制定, 不满意的评分将被分配给教员, 哪些会根据制度政策发起其他行动.

    3. 年度工作表现检讨评级的诉求

      教师 members have the right to appeal their overall annual performance review when: 1) there are errors of fact that may impact the rating; or 2) the facts may be correct, but there is disagreement about the supervisor's judgment of the rating by providing additional information to the next administrative level, 通常是给学术单位的行政主管. 如果分歧不能得到满意的解决, 然后,教师可以通过FAPD办公室向相应学院的院长提出上诉. Such appeals must be made in writing within 30 days from the date of the written annual performance review 和 must state with specificity: 1) the findings to be appealed; 2) the points of disagreement; 3) the facts in support of the appeal; 和 4) the corrective action sought. 文件长度不应超过三页.

      审查上诉的行政管理人将考虑支持上诉的事实,并制定任何认为必要的补充事实. 对上诉的决定, 哪个代表最终的评估, 会在30天内以书面形式完成吗, 并将复印件提供给教员, 参与年度业绩检讨的行政首长及警务处.



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