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Handbook and paperwork for the newly hired.

Responsible Computing

Acceptable Usage


Customers are granted access to computing, networks, 电子存储的信息取决于它们的谨慎和负责任的使用. 访问权限授予个人,任何个人都不能与他人转让或共享访问权限. 客户不得(1)将信息或资源用于任何非法或未经授权的目的或行为.e., to violate state or federal laws or any established policies and procedures of the University; (2) participate in any behavior that unreasonably interferes with the fair use of other customers or harms them in any way; (3) use resources or information for commercial purpose without prior authorization from the Vice President for Administration and Finance. Misuse of computing, networking, 而信息资源可能会导致严重的后果, 包括失去对计算资源的访问. 意识到这种访问权限的丧失可能会对你履行大学义务产生不利影响.

同样,客户也可以根据其谨慎和负责任的使用情况获得电信资源. 客户不得(1)将这些资源用于任何非法或未经授权的目的或行为.e., to violate state or federal laws or any established policies and procedures of the University; (2) participate in any behavior that interferes with the fair use of such resources or harms others in any way; (3) use resources or information for commercial purpose without the prior authorization of the Vice President for Administration and Finance. 滥用电信资源可能造成严重后果.

By signing below, 本人理解上述信息,并同意以下内容:(1)在任何滥用调查中, the University may inspect, without prior notice, the contents of files, voice mail, 日志, 以及任何相关的计算机生成或存储的材料, such as printouts; and (2) customer computer files may be inspected occasionally by systems personnel when assuring system integrity or performing related resource management duties. 我也同意遵守大学关于计算机和电信资源的政策和程序.


Accounts and Security Issues


  • 帐户不得由所有者以外的任何人使用,并且所有者对该帐户中完成的所有工作全权负责. By signing the Acceptable Usage Statement, the owner has agreed to that condition; letting another use one's account is against University security policies.
  • 每个帐户只能用于与工作相关的目的,并根据员工的工作描述使用.
  • 帐户所有者应仔细选择每个密码. 密码不应该是别人很容易猜到的东西,也不应该写下来. 大多数未经授权的访问都是通过一个容易猜到的密码或一个已经写下来的密码获得的.
  • 帐户所有者不应该告诉任何人他们的密码. 没有一个人, under any circumstances, 是否有权要求所有者共享该信息, 包括资讯科技署的主管和人员.
  • 业主登录时,电脑/工作站不得无人看管. 所有者应该退出或PC应该被锁定. Remember, 如果有人使用该帐户进行未经授权的更改或删除,则所有者应负责, 等. This is a very serious situation; don't take a chance that it won't happen.
  • 如果帐户所有者怀疑有人一直在使用他/她的帐户或试图登录, 他/她应立即联系ITS服务台.

Leaving the Department or University
重要的是,ITS保持访问计算机资源,尽可能最新. If an account owner is leaving the University, 访问他/她的活期账户不再被授权或有效. 如果老板要离开他/她的部门去学校的另一个部门, the current access is no longer valid. 预算组主任或帐户所有人应以邮寄方式通知ITS itshelp@0933282516.com. If appropriate, 员工需要通过新的预算部门主管申请新账户.

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