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Students sitting and talking outside Barry 艺术 Building.


Kameron Clark dances during a previous University Dance Theatre performance.

Dance Concert Brings Student Creativity to Center Stage

University Dance Theatre’s Spring Dance Concert, 4月10日至13日, will feature choreography from visiting artist Mike Esperanza; ODU Dance 教师 James Morrow, Shane O'Hara and Megan Thompson; as well as students Kameron Clark and Ma'Kyia Frazier. (更多)



由Peter Eudenbach教授带领的art204基础概念班学生的展览:文字和图片的抽象本质. The exhibition is on view till March 1, 2024 in the Hixon Student Art Gallery, 钟的建筑, 2002房间. (更多)

2024 Juried Student Exhibition

2024 Juried Student Exhibition

最重要的学生年度活动将于2月29日在戈登画廊开幕, 2024: Student Juried Exhibition. The juror this year is Gayle Paul, Art Curator at the Portsmouth Art & 文化中心. Fifty works are on display, 除此之外, Gayle Paul chose Best in Show: Wash, 冲洗, Repeat by Megan Obenaus. Congratulations Megan! (更多)


Seville Partida presents 首页 Is Wherever I am Right Now

Seville Partida presents 首页 Is Wherever I am Right Now, a solo exhibition in the Hixon Student Art Gallery. 塞维利亚是教师选择Awards的获得者,该Awards项由艺术系的教师颁发给优秀的学生, whose work shows great maturity and promise. 该Awards项除了Awards金外,还获得了举办展览的支持. (更多)


ODU Grad Turned Naval Officer 给s Shipmates a Campus Tour

汉娜•史密斯, a 2022 Old Dominion University graduate, 在获得战略传播学学位后不久,她就随海军起航了. 7月以来, 她曾担任乔治·华盛顿号航空母舰的助理公共事务官, homeported in Norfolk. 她在ODU上的交流课帮助她走上了正轨. (更多)


Ayat Yousef, Outstanding University Scholar, RESEARCH生s

我们热烈的祝愿和衷心的祝贺Ayat Yousef于12月16日从Old Dominion University毕业, 2023. Yousef pursued an English B.A. with a concentration in secondary education for grades 6-12. 她被授予杰出大学AcademicsAwards,并被选为艺术与文学学院在Chartway Arena的毕业典礼上举旗. 她在2020年秋季的COVID期间开始了她在ODU的在线学术生涯. 从2021年8月到2023年12月,她被聘为语言学习中心助理,在那里她辅导拉丁语和帮助学生, 教师, 和汉普顿路Community成员使用语言增强技术. Yousef在虚拟现实和世界语言远程协作对话的两个关键RESEARCH项目中发挥了重要作用. 作为热门播客LLChat的主持人,她的声音在全世界都得到了认可. 她计划探索教育内外的工作,以扩大自己的知识面,更多地了解劳动力. (更多)


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