哈罗德·J. 青年艺术家钢琴比赛




Deadline to apply to bet8体育娱乐入口 for early action with full scholarship consideration: December 1, 2024.


通过参加这个比赛, 你同意这个版本的规则, 规定, and requirements do in fact govern all aspects of this competition.

  1. Applicants must be within one of the following age ranges at the time of the competition.

    • 第一类:9岁以下儿童
    • 第二类:10-13岁
    • 第三类:14-16岁
    • 高级组:17-19岁
  2. 提交在线申请哈罗德J. Protsman Piano Competition before the October 12, 2024 Deadline.
  3. Every applicant is required to submit at least two (2) contrasting pieces within the following timeframes. 申请人可以提交较长的作品, but the jurors may not listen to the entire submission beyond the time restriction:
    • 第一类:最多6分钟
    • 第二类:最长10分钟
    • 第三类:最长15分钟
    • 高级组:最多20分钟
  4. 所有作品必须为钢琴独奏作品
  5. 所有曲目必须凭记忆演奏.
  6. 可以接受单动作或多动作的作品.
  7. Original compositions and improvisations will not be accepted. 
  8. 不鼓励重复
  9. Applicants should bring one copy of their music to the competition for the Jury
  10. The order of appearance of pianists will be determined by a drawing conducted by competition officials
  11. If any unexpected situations arise in the execution of these guidelines, 评委会主席将处理此类情况.
  12. The competition reserves the right to request production of any documents confirming proof of age at any time during the competition. Failure to produce such documents when requested will result in disqualification from the competition, 申请人将不获退还任何费用.
  13. Applicants may not be in contact with any members of the current jury while they are actively in the competition. Any violation of this rule may disqualify the applicant.
  14. Evaluations made by the jury committee are final and are not subject to reevaluation.
  15. Jurors reserve the right to not award prizes if they do not deem it appropriate.

Applicants may be disqualified from the competition for violating any of the rules and 规定. The competition reserves the right to make any changes and will notify all applicants if any changes are made as soon as possible.



All applications must be completed and submitted through the online application form. Any incomplete submissions will not be considered for judging. 

A confirmation email will be sent to each applicant upon receipt of the completed application.

A non-refundable application fee is due at the time of submission and is to be paid through the competition website. 





Free trial lessons are available to all participants in the Senior Category after the competition has concluded.  


Winners in each category will receive the following prizes: 

















Scholarship 奖 for current High School Seniors in the Senior Category

一等奖:5美元,000 Scholarship to ODU ($20,000 over four years)

二等奖:3美元,000 Scholarship to ODU ($12,000 over four years)

三等奖:1美元,500 Scholarship to ODU ($6,000 over four years)

The announcement of prize winners will take place at the end of the adjudication for each category as well as during the winners’ recital.  结果也将公布在我们的网站上.

All competition applicants will receive a certificate of participation.

All participants in the Senior Category will receive a high-quality video recording of their performance.



一等奖:5美元,000 per year for FOUR YEARS of study at the 迪恩音乐学院 as a Piano Performance Major. 

二等奖:3美元,000 per year for FOUR YEARS of study at the 迪恩音乐学院 as a Piano Performance Major. 

三等奖:1美元,500 per year for FOUR YEARS of study at the 迪恩音乐学院 as a Piano Performance Major. 

Additional Scholarship Opportunity: Based on jurors' discretion, 可能会颁发额外的奖学金.

奖学金 will be confirmed and delivered once the offer of admission to the university has been officially accepted.

If any of the prize winners do not accept their scholarships they will be awarded at the discretion of the jury chair, Dr. 扎卡里·迪克.


竞争查询:博士. 扎卡里·迪克, zdeak@0933282516.com

大学申请问题:维多利亚·赫里克 vkaminsk@0933282516.com

订一个 虚拟约会 和维多利亚


是的, subject to maintaining satisfactory academic progress throughout the duration of the degree program.





是的, accepting the scholarship requires committing to bet8体育娱乐入口.


The scholarship is specifically for bet8体育娱乐入口 and is not transferable.

Deferral policies are subject to the university's discretion.

是的, recipients of our scholarship are eligible to apply for additional scholarships.

For any questions regarding the competition, please contact the competition director, Dr. 扎卡里·迪克 zdeak@0933282516.com

Dr. 扎卡里·迪克, zdeak@0933282516.com