
Established in 1995, the Old Dominion University Real Estate Foundation developed much of Monarch Way, a 75-acre mixed use development at ODU that includes retail, student apartments, museums and galleries, and office buildings. In addition, the Foundation acquires, builds, and manages real estate on behalf of the University. The results of it's work are visible to all in the form of the University Village Apartments, 餐厅, 商店, the 创新 研究 Park, the President's House, Marriott SpringHill Suites Hotel, the University Village 书店, 男爵 & Ellin Gordon Art Galleries, and the Barry Art Museum.

Old Dominion University Real Estate Foundation is a 501c3 Virginia non-profit organization.

Transforming Real Estate to Gift Reality

Want to make a gift to ODU Real Estate Foundation? Consider giving real estate. Such a generous gift helps us continue our work on behalf of Old Dominion University, and a gift of real estate also helps you. When you give to the Real Estate Foundation, the appreciated property you have held longer than one year, allows you to qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction and you may minimize or eliminate capital gains taxes. And, you no longer will have to deal with a property's maintenance costs, taxes, or insurance. You will no longer have the problem and worry associated with selling the real estate. You can deed the property directly to the Real Estate Foundation.


  • 联系 Tara Saunders, Executive Director at (757) 683-3418 or tsaunders@0933282516.com to discuss the possibility of donating real estate to the Real Estate Foundation.
  • Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor to make sure this gift fits in with your financial goals.

2023 Board of Trustees

  • 丽莎F. Chandler '76
  • 特蕾莎修女C. 彼得斯
  • 约瑟夫一. 阴暗的05
  • Jared粉笔
  • 英里B. 利昂
  • Kenneth E. 罗德曼,小. '88
  • 凯伦E. 谢弗97年
  • 杰里米·R. 斯达克
  • 黛博拉·K. 斯登80年
  • 纳撒尼尔·P. 泰勒
  • 史蒂文·C. 莱特
  • 拉里·R. 希尔78年
  • President Brian O. Hemphill