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Students On-Campus

员工奖励 & 识别

Recognizing employee accomplishments - big and small - is critical to department success, 员工士气, 动机, and retention of valuable employees. Recognizing staff - even in the simplest ways - has the two-fold affect of acknowledging the accomplishment of the employee who is recognized AND demonstrating to the whole team that effort and success are important and will be noted! A 10-minute meeting at the coffee station or water cooler, 一盒甜甜圈, and an announcement acknowledging an individual or team success (ESPECIALLY if this is done periodically throughout the year) will likely have more impact on the team than expensive trophies given out at a formal annual event!

At Old Dominion University, departments are encouraged to develop department-specific recognition programs that address the unique challenges and accomplishments in their department. In order to conduct a recognition program, the manager must submit that plan to the Human Resource Department for review prior to implementation. Managers may contact the Employee Relations Manager for assistance with developing recognition program plans. An important part of planning recognition is budgeting funds to support the recognition program.

To acknowledge individual and team accomplishments for classified and hourly employees, managers should complete the Immediate 识别/Bonus Action Form, obtain the required signatures, and submit to the 人力资源 Department.


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